Public Consultation Response: Council tax on second and empty homes/Non-domestic rates.

Bòrd na Gàidhlig has submitted a response to the consultation: Council tax on second and empty homes / Non-domestic rates.

Among the points raised:

A number of socio-economic issues impact the viability of Gaelic communities and thus the language. Bòrd na Gàidhlig are working to ensure the impact of such issues are recognised and addressed. One of the critical issues affecting viability of Gaelic speaking communities is housing – specifically its cost and availability. This is vital in retaining and attracting population – including Gaelic speakers.

Sustainable and thriving Gaelic communities require sufficient numbers of people to live there all year round and have a connection to the region and the culture and language of the place. Gaelic speakers – and others – have strong ties to the place where they were born and raised and it must be recognised that there is a need to maintain these ties. They need places to live and they need suitable housing to do this – along with locally available services – and these communities will not be sustained unless sufficient people can live there full time.

You can read the full response here.

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