
Picture: A beautiful Scottish glen on a sunny summer day. Text reads 'National Forrest and Land Communities Strategy'.

Communities Strategy for Scotland’s National Forest and Land – Draft for Consultation

Forestry and Land Scotland are seeking views on their draft Communities Strategy. Bòrd na Gàidhlig has submitted a response with included the following points: “Fully empowering communities through encouraging greater community participation depends on effective communication with all types of communities – which must include communicating in Gaelic to Gaelic speaking communities.” “Land Management Plans […]


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Photo: A picture of a busy bay in a town in the Western Isles. Text reads 'Gaelic in Island Community Impact Assessments'.

Impact on Gaelic is now a part of Island Community Impact Assessments for the first time

Bord na Gàidhlig has welcomed new guidance from the Scottish Government that will see public authorities assess the impact on the Gaelic language within Island Community Impact Assessments (ICIA) for the first time. Bord na Gàidhlig has welcomed new guidance from the Scottish Government that will see public authorities assess the impact on the Gaelic […]


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Picture: Lauren Byrne, a Gaelic Officer, posing for a headshot photo and smiling. The Young Scot logo appears on the top left of the image. Text reads 'Gaelic Usage Amongst Young People'.

New Survey Looking at Young People’s Engagement with Gaelic Online

At the beginning of the year, Young Scot ran an online survey to learn more about the online spaces where young people aged 11-26 see and engage with Gaelic and about the Gaelic types of Gaelic content they’d like to see more of. The survey ran between December 2021 and April 2022, just as it […]


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