
Picture: A high school aged boy and girl working at their desk in a classroom with textbooks infront of them. Text reads 'Reforming Scottish Qualifications'

Consultation – Reforming Scottish Qualifications

In November 2022 Bòrd na Gàidhlig submitted a response to the consultation – Briefing on Reforming Scottish Qualifications – Hayward Review.  The response included the point: GME pupils should be provided with the same opportunities as young people in EME to demonstrate achievement through Gaelic and the necessary structures to deliver this should be in place […]


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Skills Delivery Independent Review

The Minister for Higher Education, Further Education, Youth Employment and Training has called for evidence for an independent review of skills delivery in Scotland. Bòrd na Gàidhlig has submitted a response to this consultation which contained the following: We would recommend that the skills landscape appropriately includes the range of issues relating to Gaelic-speaking communities […]


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Picture: A close-up of an elderly lady's hands, clasped in her lap. Text reads 'A New Dementia Strategy'

A New Dementia Strategy – Consultation

Bòrd na Gàidhlig has submitted a response to the Scottish Government consultation on a new Dementia strategy. This is a discussion paper developed to help people respond to the future of dementia policy in Scotland. Points raised by Bòrd na Gàidhlig include: It is generally recognised that native language speakers can revert largely or wholly […]


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