
Picture: Close-up of Gaelic Development Officer, John Nicholson, outside Young Scot's office in Edinburgh. Text reads 'Gaelic Officers Scheme'

Bòrd na Gàidhlig provides almost £1 million for Gaelic Development Officers

Bòrd na Gàidhlig funding aimed at promoting Gaelic has provided almost £1 million for language development officers since its launch. A new funding stream, made possible by £400k in extra funding from the Scottish Government, which allows organisations to extend the one-year term of Gaelic development officers currently funded under the Gaelic Officer Scheme, has […]


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Picture: Collage of Bòrd na Gàidhlig's new Co-optees, Kenneth MacIver and Rob McKinnon

Bòrd na Gàidhlig welcomes new Co-optees

Bòrd na Gàidhlig are delighted to welcome two new co-opted members to their committees.  Kenneth MacIver joined the Policy and Resources Committee and Rob McKinnon joined the Audit and Assurance Committee from February 2023.  They both bring a wealth of experience to the committees with a wide range of skills between them. Kenneth MacIver has […]


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Picture: A voting card being deposited in a polling box. The Scottish Government's logo appears in the top left of the image. Text reads 'Electoral Reform Consultation'

Scottish Government Electoral Reform Consultation

The Scottish Government is currently holding a consultation on electoral reform.  Bòrd na Gàidhlig has submitted a response and among the points raised, we said: Scottish Government’s Gaelic Language Plan states that “for Gaelic to have a sustainable future, there needs to be a concerted effort” on the part of a range of bodies and […]


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