
Community Grants Scheme 2025-27

Bòrd na Gàidhlig has announced and re-opened its Taic Freumhan Coimhearsnachd (Community Grants) Scheme, offering extended funding opportunities to Gaelic projects in communities. Support is available for projects for up to two years, and for the first time support is being provided to projects between Gaelic and Irish speakers through this scheme as part of […]


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Picture: Two girls in a primary school classroom. One is doing their school work and the other is looking at the camera with her chin resting on her hands. Text reads 'GME information session'.

GME Information Session

Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Comunn nam Pàrant have arranged an online information session where you can learn about Gaelic Medium Education (GME) from practitioners who deliver the curriculum each day. This session is aimed at families who are considering GME for their child(ren) and want to learn more about the options available to them, although the session […]


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Image: Front cover of BnG Corporate Plan. Picture of 6 primary school pupils in the Western Isles running in a field, overlayed with the purple swirl used in the BnG logo. The BnG logo appears in the bottom left. Text in the top right reads 'Corporate Plan 2023-28'.

Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s Corporate Plan

Bòrd na Gàidhlig are happy to share the news that our latest Corporate Plan was recently approved by Scottish Ministers and has now been published. This Corporate Plan sets out the work of Bòrd na Gàidhlig until 2028 as we contribute to the delivery of the National Gaelic Language Plan. The plan is available here. […]


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