
Picture: A femal nurse comforting an older female patient. Text reads 'Public Consulteation: Healthcare in Remote and Rural Areas in Scotland'

Consultation Response: Healthcare in Remote and Rural areas in Scotland

The Scottish Parliament’s Health, Social Care and Sport Committee is planning work into healthcare in rural & remote areas. Bòrd na Gàidhlig has submitted a response to their consultation on this work. Among the points we raised, we stated the following: There is a need for a clearer and up to date understanding of how […]


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Picture: A sign in Glasgow Central Station. Text reads 'Public Consultation: Glasgow's Culture Strategy - A Rescope and Refresh

Consultation Response: Glasgow’s Culture Strategy – A Rescope and Refresh

Bòrd na Gàidhlig has submitted a response to Glasgow Life’s consultation on Glasgow’s Culture Plan and Strategy.  Points raised in the response include. Bòrd na Gàidhlig is responding to this consultation to, in particular, highlight the importance of Gaelic within the culture and creative sectors in Glasgow and thus its importance for the proposed Culture […]


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Picture: A pier in a scottish island villiage. Text reads ' Public Consultation: Effective Community Engagement in Local Development Planning Guidance'

Consultation Response: Effective Community Engagement in Local Development Planning Guidance

Bòrd na Gàidhlig has submitted a response to the Scottish Government consultation Effective community engagement in local development planning guidance.  Amongst points raised, we said: Bòrd na Gàidhlig are responding to this consultation because we wish to see sufficient and appropriate recognition of the Gaelic language within the Community Engagement in Local Development Planning Guidance. […]


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