
Picture: An elderly lady holding a walking stick sitting with a younger lady with text over picture. Text reads 'Consultation Response: Healthcare in Remote and Rural Areas'

Consultation Response: Healthcare in Remote and Rural Areas

Bòrd na Gàidhlig has submitted a response to the Scottish Parliament’s public consultation on Healthcare in Remote and Rural Areas. Amongst the points raised, we said: The Strategy should also set out how its actions will contribute to sustaining and developing the Gaelic language. The National Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care in Scotland […]


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Picture: Boats in front of Stornoway, Lewis with text over picture. Text reads 'Consultation Response: National Islands Plan Review'

Consultation Response: National Islands Plan Review

Bòrd na Gàidhlig has submitted a response to the Scottish Government consultation on the National Islands Plan Review.  Amongst points raised, we said: Having a National Islands Plan is very helpful. We particularly welcome its statement that “the Scottish Government recognises the importance of the Gaelic language to many island communities, and the importance of […]


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Picture: A lady speaking to another lady with text over picture. Text reads 'Stakeholder Survey 2023'

Stakeholder Survey 2023

Have you had dealings with Bòrd na Gàidhlig in the past year? The Stakeholder Survey 2023 is now open and we look forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions. It would be much appreciated if you could complete this form by 5pm on Monday 23rd October 2023.


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