New Teachers in Gaelic Conference 2021

Bòrd na Gàidhlig is very happy to welcome Newly Qualified Teachers in Gaelic Education to Co-labhairt nan Tidsearan Ùra – The New Teachers in Gaelic Conference 2021.
Yet again the conference will take place online via Microsoft Teams as two twilight sessions on the 24th and 25th of May and we are opening up the opportunity to teachers who are currently finishing their probation year (20/21) and to teachers who completed their probation in session 19/20. We are also offering a place to students in Initial Teacher Education who will be graduating in 2021 or 2022.
Leudachadh (Expansion/Widening/Amplification) is the theme of this year’s conference – looking at how new practitioners can widen and expand our professional knowledge, our teaching networks, and the abilities of our learners at the same time as we increase the usage, learning and profile of Gaelic in our communities.
We hope that you can join us for the opportunity to meet and discuss with other new teachers in Gaelic. Those teachers who do participate will be recognised with a certificate for their professional folio.
New Teachers in Gaelic Conference 2021
24th & 25th of May 2021
Update: Registration for this event has closed.