New Stornoway Office

Bòrd na Gàidhlig (BnG) are delighted to announce that they have opened a new office in Stornoway.

It has been some time since BnG had staff based in the Western Isles and as a result of Lockdown and the change in ways of working, they are now pleased to report that four members of staff are based in Lewis.

As a result of that and the changes in regulations about returning to offices, a new office based in Lewis was required to meet their needs. They now have an office in Seaforth House.

BnG staff remain on a ‘hybrid’ working pattern with staff working both from the office and from home but if anyone would like to come in to the Stornoway office to visit us, you would be more than welcome to do so.

Shona MacLennan, Ceannard Bhòrd na Gàidhlig said:

“Given the past two years, ways of working have changed for everybody worldwide. Those changes have given us opportunities to employ staff outwith our existing office locations. We now employ four staff members based in Lewis and it is great to have staff living in these Gaelic communities in the islands while adding to Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s work in the Western Isles.”

Photo credit – Sandie MacIver – Sandies Photos

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