New resource for Early Years 0-3 groups launched by Bòrd na Gàidhlig

A Toolkit for Early Years 0-3 groups will be launched on Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s website today.

Bòrd na Gàidhlig have prepared the Toolkit to provide guidance and information to Gaelic early years groups in order to support them in establishing and running their groups.

Evidence shows that these groups are extremely important in the initial steps of grasping the language and using it in the community setting and at home. Children pick up the language subconsciously and this prepares them to transition into Gaelic Medium Education.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney said, “Gaelic Education is a priority area for the Scottish Government and we recognise the importance of giving young people an immersive language experience at an early stage in life.

“I welcome the Bòrd’s activity in supporting parents and Early Learning Groups who wish to create these opportunities for our young people and I hope that this toolkit will be invaluable in delivering these aims.”

Many early years’ groups have received support through the partnership between Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Comann nam Pàrant with help from funding from the CYPFEIF & ALEC fund. At the groups, the children have the opportunity to learn songs, rhymes, short stories and helpful phrases to use at home during play.

Màiri Morrison, Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s Education Officer, who has been working on the Toolkit said, “We at Bòrd na Gàidhlig are aware that it’s volunteers that run most of these groups and we wanted to make sure that there was guidance and help there for those who are taking on this important work. With committees starting in many different areas in Scotland where parents would like to set-up Gaelic Medium Education, the Toolkit has been utilised already. We hope that it will support good governance in early years’ groups and assist the exceptional work that is going on in this sector.”

In the Toolkit there are three sections: Introduction, Finance and Staff. Each section gives helpful, practical and resourceful information to groups that are already established and to those that have no experience of setting up a group. There are also templates that will help with invoices, registration forms, posters, leaflets for parents, guidance with filling in funding applications amongst lots more.

Bòrd na Gàidhlig appreciate their close partnership with Comann nam Pàrant and consequently, to the funding from CYPFEIF & ALEC used to support early years’ groups and for this new publication. The Bòrd would also like to thank Care and Learning Alliance (CALA) for their support in the development of aspects of the resource.

Jaci Douglas, Chief Executive of CALA said, “It’s great to see this useful and engaging resource being published by Bòrd na Gàidhlig which fits so well with our ongoing partnership to support Gaelic Toddler Groups. Setting up a Gaelic group can seem daunting but these resources take parents through the process step by step and supports them at every turn and is extremely practical and easy to use. We look forward to continuing our support for the Gaelic early years sector which we hope will continue to grow and thrive.”

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