Immersion Course Grants for Education Practitioners

The Gaelic Immersion Courses for Education Workers funding scheme is now open to applications for 2024/25!
This fund was set up to support local authorities to provide Gaelic immersion opportunities for Teachers & Early Learning & Childcare (ELC) practitioners with a view to teaching through the medium of Gaelic upon completing the course. There is up to £50,000 available per teacher, with a total budget of £150,000 available to the scheme.
Working in partnership with Universities who are already delivering Gaelic Immersion courses, Bòrd na Gàidhlig are inviting Local Authorities to nominate prospective candidates who would be willing to undertake a yearlong Gaelic immersion course to enable them to transfer to GME in August 2025. The courses on offer are: An Cùrsa Comais available via Sabhal Mòr Ostaig or UHI Outer Hebrides and Gaelic with Immersion available via The University of Glasgow.
Local Authorities will be able to apply to Bòrd na Gàidhlig for the costs of supply cover for any candidates who successfully receive a place on a Gaelic Immersion course. As part of the application process, Local Authorities will be required to provide confirmation of where candidates would be employed on completion of the immersion course in August 2025.
We would be grateful if you could establish whether there is demand amongst your current workforce and send any expressions of interest to: at the earliest opportunity.
Two online information sessions for prospective candidates will be held on Wenesday, 07.02.24. Teachers, ELC practitioners and local authority staff can register through Eventbrite to learn more about the scheme and ask any questions you may have.
Funding applications should be submitted to Bòrd na Gàidhlig as soon as possible, with applications closing on 26 March 2024.
You can find more information about the scheme here.