FAQs – Fluxx

We use Fluxx as our grant management system, which allows you to submit applications, submit reports and gain access to all information regarding your application, grants or reporting.

You can find answers to frequently asked questions regarding Fluxx below, and if any further support is required please email tabhartas@gaidhlig.scot.

I’ve forgotten my username/password, how do I get access to my account?

Your username will be your email address, so try using that as a username, or use the forgot password link at https://bng.fluxx.io/forgot_password to enter your email address and receive a link via email to reset your password.

If you are having issues beyond this please email us at tabhartas@gaidhlig.scot and we’ll be happy to help.

I’m locked out of my account, how do I get access?

If you try to log in more than 5 times without success, the system will lock your account (to prevent anyone trying to gain access to your account when they shouldn’t).

In this case please contact us and we can unlock your account, and you can use the forgot password link at https://bng.fluxx.io/forgot_password to enter your email address and receive a link via email to reset your password.

I’m trying to edit a report/application but can’t do this

Make sure you have the correct report/application selected in the list of reports/applications on the left-hand side. If you can see it open in the right-hand side, click the “Edit” button at the top-right of the screen.

If you do not see an “Edit” button, this may be because you have already submitted the report/application and we are reviewing it – in which case you will need to get in touch with us and let us know what you need to change.

If this is a new report/application however and there is still no “Edit” button, please get in touch with us so we can fix this for you.

I’m working on the application/report but it has not saved something I wrote before

The system does not autosave, so if you leave an application or report without saving it that information will be lost. Please use the blue “Save” button at the bottom of the screen often to make sure the system saves your work.

I’ve finished my application/report but don’t know how to submit it

If you have the application/report open, use the “Save and close” button at the bottom of the screen. Then you should see a “Submit” button at the bottom of the screen, which you can use.

I would prefer to submit my report in a different format/work on it in a different format before submitting

We are happy to accept reports in different formats and provide support to those that cannot use the system. Please get in touch with us at tabhartas@gaidhlig.scot and we can provide you with a Word or PDF format to use.

I’m leaving the organisation and need to have someone else access the account, how do I do this?

Please let us know if you are leaving and we’ll be able to set up a new account for a new contact and/or link contacts to your grants.

Can I add someone else to be a contact for the grant?

Yes, let us know who you would like to add as a contact and whether they should be the primary contact or a finance contact and we can arrange that.

I want to delete my account, how do I do this?

Please contact us if you would like us to delete your account. We are obliged to keep some information on file about grants and applications for financial records keeping reasons in line with our privacy policy, but will discuss your specific needs with you.

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