Delivery Partners
Bòrd na Gàidhlig provides around £2.4M per annum in funding for organisations that help promote Gaelic usage, learning and status and help deliver the BnG’s Corporate Plan.
A summary of organisations that have agreed funding packages for the current financial year are available below. Details of funding amounts for Delivery Partners from 2018 onwards can be found via GrantNav here.
Where our Delivery Partners are based.

Publishes Gaelic literature, provides development support to authors and translators and promotes Gaelic literature at events across Scotland.
Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba

Developing and maintaining an online database of Gaelic place-names and providing support to local authorities in ensuring accuracy of Gaelic signage.

Promotes Gaelic immersion experiences in South Uist including an artistic programme of annual events and regular Gaelic classes.
Comhairle nan Leabhraichean

Provides guidance and publishing support to the Gaelic literature sector, with grants and professional development support for authors and sales and marketing support for publishers.
An Comunn Gàidhealach

Running the annual Royal National Mòd and supporting 18 local Mòds across Scotland.
Comunn na Gàidhlig

Promoting Gaelic use among young people with a network of Iomairtean development officers and Sradagan youth clubs across Scotland. Delivering national events such as the Cuach na Cloinne football competition and annual summer camps.
Also supports Comann nam Pàrant officers in delivering their programme in supporting parents of children in Gaelic-medium education and that are seeking new provision.
Faclair na Gàidhlig

Developing a comprehensive historical dictionary of the Gaelic language and developing corpus products in association with the University of Glasgow’s Digital Archive of Scottish Gaelic (DASG).
Fèisean nan Gàidheal

Supports the running of over 45 local Fèisean across Scotland that incorporate Gaelic music and arts tuition. Also runs the annual Blas festival across the Highlands and Islands and develops the online FèisTV resource.
Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle

Provides a Gaelic hub in Islay to help support the usage and learning of Gaelic for visitors to the centre and through distance learning.
Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig

Developing resources for Gaelic-medium education including textbooks and online learning platforms. Provides CPD opportunities for teachers through the annual An t-Alltan conference and online sessions. Supports parents of children in Gaelic education through the Gaelic4Parents website.
Theatre Gu Leòr

Providing professional support to the Gaelic drama sector with regular tours, training opportunities for artists and general development and promotion of the sector.
Tobar an Dualchais

Presenting audio recordings of music, song and folklore in Gaelic and Scots and preserving them for future generations.