Consultation Response: Budget Scrutiny 2024-25 – Funding for Culture

Bòrd na Gàidhlig has submitted a response to the Scottish Parliament’s consultation Budget Scrutiny 2024-25: Funding for Culture.  Among points raised, we said:

In terms of Gaelic culture, the Culture Strategy Action Plan should consider the proposals put forward in the Short Life Working Group on Economic and Social Opportunities for Gaelic: Report to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy. In particular:

“a national Gaelic Arts Strategy be developed outlining ways to support and enhance the economic opportunities for those working in the arts and screen industries where Gaelic is the medium of delivery or is related to the work being undertaken in the art form.”

That should include sufficient recognition of community level cultural organisations, particularly in rural and remote areas, and their ability to reflect the types of activities that their communities want. These organisations help to bring communities together and provide those involved in culture with skills that can be used in other community-based activities.

These organisations face challenges in terms of sustainability, particularly the smaller ones. There is a need for sufficient funding to retain, in particular, performers, folklore and skills and knowledge. Community ownership of venues may also open routes to capital funding.

The full response can be read here.

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