Bòrd na Gàidhlig statement on the Audit Scotland Section 22 report

This Bòrd na Gàidhlig Section 22 report is based on the Governance and Transparency Report, presented to the Audit and Risk Management Committee earlier this year. This is the most in-depth audit the organisation has ever undergone. It follows an extremely busy three years for Bòrd na Gàidhlig with many changes in structure and procedures taking place. The chief executive was charged with making these changes by the Board.


Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s board recognises the findings, which focused on its governance, leadership and management as well as its openness and transparency, were not all good news for the organisation.


The Bòrd na Gàidhlig board recognises the need to develop new ways of working and has embarked on a comprehensive programme of change. These changes across the whole organisation include:


  • Reviewing the board’s remit and governance
  • Reviewing Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s management structure
  • Reviewing communication and collaboration with others, both internally and externally
  • Developing the board and senior management’s skills and knowledge
  • Creating a training plan for the board, senior management team and staff
  • Developing a culture of greater openness and transparency


This programme is already underway, with more than 50% of the actions recommended being implemented within four months of receiving the report, and the remainder on target to be completed by the end of this financial year.


Mairi MacInnes, Bòrd na Gàidhlig Interim Chair, said: “Periods of change are difficult for any organisation, so Bòrd na Gàidhlig is not unique. This report has highlighted many of the challenges we have faced during the past three years, particularly in terms of the volume of work we have to deliver every day, our recruitment challenges and our limited resources. For the organisation to grow and achieve the commitments in our Corporate Plan 2018-23, we must continue to review all of our work and make changes where necessary. We remain committed to completing our programme of change, to help Gaelic flourish in Scotland and for Gaelic communities to continue to grow and thrive.


“All those involved in Bòrd na Gàidhlig recognise the need for and are thoroughly committed to finding a way forward so the recommendations made in the report are implemented and we are happy to explain the organisation and our decisions to the Public Audit and Post-legislative Scrutiny Committee if required.


“However, it is also important to highlight the significant and forward-thinking programme of work that we have delivered over recent years.


“Among our most notable achievements were gaining ministerial approval of the National Gaelic Language Plan 2018-23, which has been widely welcomed and received substantial cross-party support as well as acclaim from language planners in other minority languages.


“We maintained the annual budget in an increasingly challenging fiscal environment, as well as increasing both the use, learning and promotion of Gaelic in Scotland and also the number of public authorities actively involved in the Gaelic language.


“We developed new national initiatives, such as A Faster Rate of Progress, led by Depute First Minister and Education Secretary John Swinney to deliver a range of key commitments in the National Gaelic Language Plan.


“In 2017 we gained Ministerial approval of the Statutory Guidance for Gaelic Education through a collaborative working group led by Bòrd na Gàidhlig.


“Finally, as well as increasing demand for Gaelic medium education in Scotland, we developed new three-year funding agreements which will enable increased planning, development and efficiency for the main community organisations involved in using, learning and promoting Gaelic.”


“We all want Bòrd na Gàidhlig to be a success story – taking on board this report’s findings will help us work towards that goal.”

Gaelic Community Groups welcome opportunities

Bòrd na Gàidhlig is welcoming organisations in Scotland which support and promote the Gaelic language to apply for grants of up to £5,000, after launching its community funding scheme for 2020/21.

A budget of £125,000 has been set aside for Taic Freumhan Coimhearsnachd community grants scheme and organisations committed to delivering a local project that promotes Gaelic are encouraged to apply.

Last year Bòrd na Gàidhlig awarded funding to 74 projects – including voluntary organisations, social enterprises, sporting, religious, school and arts groups.

Among those awarded cash last year was Garrabost Free Church which used £3,200 from Bòrd na Gàidhlig along with other funding, to help digitally preserve a rare set of recordings of islanders on Lewis reciting the New Testament.

The recordings from the 1980s were of the congregation of Knock Free Church, now merged with Garrabost, and it is hoped these recordings will become a valuable resource for all those learning the Gaelic language.

Also Urras an Taobh Sear (Staffin Community Trust) was awarded £3,400 to continue its unique course it has been running since 2013, entitled Àrainneachd, Cànan is Dualchas (Gaelic in the environment) at Staffin on Skye, one of the most beautiful locations in the country.

Birks Cinema Trust, which runs the community-owned Birks Cinema in Aberfeldy, Perth and Kinross, was provided with £1,300 to help run a Gaelic cafe and Gaelic events.


Mairi MacInnes, Bòrd na Gàidhlig Interim Chair, said this year’s scheme above all wants to help support projects promoting extra-curricular Gaelic use for GME pupils, promote the use of Gaelic in the home, encourage Gaelic in communities and help more adults learn and use Gaelic, and promote better access and awareness of Scotland’s Gaelic heritage.

She said:

“All 74 projects we awarded funding have done fantastic work promoting and developing the Gaelic language.

“The Knock Free Church recordings represent an amazing resource, while Urras an Taobh Sear’s Àrainneachd and Birks Cinema Trust’s cafe and events are hugely popular.

“We at Bòrd na Gàidhlig are delighted to support them and urge many more organisations committed to promoting and growing Gaelic to apply for this latest round of funding.”


David Murray, Garrabost Free Church Clerk to Session, said:

“Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s funding from its Taic Freumhan Coimhearsnachd fund enabled us to digitise and clean sound files of an audio version of the Gaelic New Testamant which was produced by members of the congregation in the 1980s. We also received funding from the Point and Sandwick Trust to complete the project.

“Without the Taic Freumhan Coimhearsnachd funding it is likely that these audio recordings would have been lost, as the cassette tapes were old and very few sets of the audio recordings remain. The fund allowed us to employ a local IT specialist to undertake the work of digitising and cleaning the recordings.

“The Audio Recording of the New Testament is a rich archive of local Gaelic speakers and we are delighted that it has been preserved. We hope to produce a website to host the sound files in the near future.

“The Taic Freumhan Coimhearsnachd fund is a great help for Gaelic development work which goes on at community level.”


Sìne Gillespie, of Urras an Taobh Sear, said:

“Àrainneachd, Cànan is Dualchas is a course created by Roddy Maclean for fluent and near fluent speakers of Gaelic. The course provides students with teaching tools that are indispensable not merely for educators but for anybody who is passionate about Gaelic Scotland. Students learn that there are 130 Gaelic words to describe a mountain. Of particular joy and usefulness are Roddy’s lists of Gaelic names for seabirds, wildlife and Scottish trees.

“Students who undertake this course gain access to a wealth of material that connects the language, culture and environment of Gaelic Scotland. Àrainneachd, Cànan is Dualchas represents, after all, the lifetime’s work of a Gaelic ambassador at the height of his powers. And ACD is strengthened further through its rootedness in a community where fluent Gaelic is spoken eloquently.

“Staffin Community Trust would be unable to host this marvellous course without financial assistance. We have been very fortunate to receive a grant over seven summers from Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

“We and our partners are indeed grateful to Bòrd na Gàidhlig who – through their Taic Freumhan Coimhearsnachd scheme – have helped us in the community of Staffin to build richly on our reputation as an excellent location for Gaelic courses in the outdoors.

“As a community trust, Urras an Taobh Sear is mindful of the related economic benefits as well as those that come from investing in the proactive development of our unique and precious Gaelic language.”

Update: Applications for this scheme have closed. You can find information about all of our funding schemes here.

Bord na Gàidhlig funds unique digital Gaelic education project hailed as ‘Netflix for Reading’

The organisation has backed Giglets Gàidhlig, which provides online learning for students in Gaelic schools throughout Scotland using a cloud-based system, to the tune of £147,000 over three years.


Already more than 90% of Gaelic Medium Education (GME) schools are using or are trained on Giglets Gàidhlig’s system, with 600 teachers and 4,500 pupils registered.


Jim Whannel, Bòrd na Gàidhlig Director of Education, said: “Bòrd na Gàidhlig is delighted that Giglets Gàidhlig is proving such a success story.


“We believe Giglets Gàidhlig is a perfect fit for the ultimate aim of Bòrd na Gàidhlig – to help Gaelic flourish in Scotland through people learning the language in an enterprising, fun yet academically challenging way.


“Its aim is to give children a love for reading and provide teachers with a rich collection of texts and resources. It supports multiple media, such as graphics, pictures, animations at key moments of the story, so every child and teacher can use it in Gaelic.


“We believe Giglets Gàidhlig will continue to help pupils, teachers, schools and the Gaelic community in Scotland as a whole to work towards our goal.”


Headquartered in Kilmarnock, Giglets Gàidhlig is a K-12 company involved in early years, primary and early secondary education. The project is supported by several hundred Gaelic resources aligned with Curriculum for Excellence, with 45 Gaelic voiceovers professionally recorded and published.


It also provides a library of hundreds of texts and thousands of curriculum-aligned resources, and provides educational training and support services. It also partners with Stòrlann Nàiseanta, the organisation which is the main producer of Gaelic educational resources.


It is the brainchild of Dr Karsten Karcher, chairman and founder of Giglets Education. He says Giglets Gàidhlig provides a low cost, scalable, cloud-based learning platform and software-as-a-service (SaaS) that improves learning experiences for teachers and pupils.


Also vital to the edtech system’s success is it is education first and technology second.


He said: “Its content consists of a library of online titles, both fiction and non-fiction. They are delivered in a totally accessible way according to the abilities of the student reading them – be it novel, newspaper or cartoon style.”


Aimed at those aged between three to 14, Giglets Gàidhlig is accessible on tablet, computer, and mobiles. Dr Karcher says texts also have full voiceovers.


He added: “Giglets Gàidhlig is unique in terms of the number of schools engaged – thanks to its aim to reverse a fall in reading standards. It also helps reduce teachers’ workloads by reducing preparation and marking time, and provides data and analytics to teachers, schools, local authorities and governments.


“Ultimately Giglets Gàidhlig helps teachers raise standards and supports them in engaging pupils and involving parents while providing valuable information to reinforce their judgements about a learner’s progress.”


Giglets Gàidhlig is supported by the Gaelic Local Authority Network (GLAN) as well as all 14 Scottish local authorities involved in GME. They are Highland, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Argyll and Bute, Glasgow, Perth and Kinross, Aberdeen City, East Ayrshire, East Dunbartonshire, Edinburgh City, North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire, Stirling, Angus and Inverclyde Councils.


Giglets Gàidhlig is also supported by Gaelic teaching organisations, University of Edinburgh, University of Strathclyde, University of the Highlands and Islands, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig and Newbattle Abbey College in Midlothian.




Media Contact: Elaine Fee on 07540 124245 or Philip Gates on 07525 645350

The Gaelic awards

Bòrd na Gàidhlig and the daily record were proud to host the most prestigious night of the year within the Gaelic community calendar. Celebrating Gaelic culture, education and language highlighting the excellent work undertaken to maintain growth and heritage.

The awards are now in their seventh year and attended by over 200 guests including finalists, event sponsors and members of the Gaelic community. The event itself Celebrates and embraces traditional and modern entertainment. Hosted by Scottish Broadcaster and Producer, Cathy MacDonald the evening which Bòrd na Gàidhlig started supporting in 2013 was held in Glasgow at the Marriot Hotel.

The piper who campaigned against men-only competitions and inspired generations of children was honoured for her life’s work at this year’s Gaelic Awards.

Rona Lightfoot, described as a one-woman ceilidh, was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Daily Record and Bòrd na Gàidhlig Gaelic Awards, which pay tribute to all aspects of Gaelic culture, education and language.

Rona, 83, who was born on South Uist, started playing the pipes when she was nine.

After moving to Glasgow to train as a nurse, she married a sailor and would often go to sea with him, taking her pipes so she could teach herself pibroch.

She was the first woman to take part in the Bratach Gorm, the Scottish Piping Society of London’s premier pibroch competition, and her contribution to Gaelic culture as a singer, storyteller and teacher was recognised at the awards.

Other winners included Lucy Hannah, named Young Gaelic Ambassador of the Year for managing a Gaelic- medium childcare facility on Skye, and Alison Richardson and Claire MacDonald, who picked up the Learner Award for producing two online Gaelic resource banks.


Shona MacLennan, CEO, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, said:

All the winners and nominees are to be congratulated on their work to ensure that Gaelic is used more often, in more situations, by more people.

“It’s truly inspiring to see such passion for our language and culture.”



LEARNER AWARD: Alison Richardson and Claire MacDonald

ARTS & CULTURE AWARD: Whyte (Alasdair Whyte and Ross Whyte)

EVENT AWARD: Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn

COMMUNITY, HERITAGE & TOURISM AWARD: Marisa Macdonald & Sgoil an Rubha


INTERNATIONAL AWARD: Alba Choir at Eurovision

SPORT AWARD: Calum Maclean






You can read more information about the Scottish Gaelic Awards here.

Latest Gaelic Language Plan launched

VisitScotland has published its latest Gaelic Language Plan as part of its commitment to ensuring Gaelic has a strong and sustainable future in Scotland.

It comes as a ‘Scottish Gaelic Explained’ video created by the national tourism organisation in the summer reached over 95,000 views, showing an increasing interest in the language.


The revised plan highlights actions to be undertaken by the national tourism organisation to contribute to the growth of Gaelic over the next three years. These include encouraging and supporting more tourism businesses to engage with Gaelic and recording those that do, while raising Gaelic awareness within VisitScotland.


The plan which was first created in 2012, was drawn up by representatives from across the organisation and was circulated for public consultation before it was finalised.


An immediate focus for the 2019-2022 plan is to conduct an audit of Gaelic-speaking VisitScotland staff, which will take place before the end of the year.

The plan follows the launch of the first Gaelic Tourism Strategy in 2018 which aims to increase promotion and access to Gaelic as part of the Scottish visitor experience. VisitScotland lead on the implementation of the strategy and is co-ordinating progress across all actions and partners involved.


Gaelic is part of daily life in Scotland and has been for generations. As a unique aspect of Scottish culture and heritage, Gaelic can provide an extra layer to the authentic Scottish experience and to Scotland’s many visitors. The VisitScotland Visitor Survey in 2016 found that, with no prior promotion, 34% of respondents felt that Gaelic, as a national language of Scotland, enhanced their visit and they would like to find out more about it.


Malcolm Roughead, Chief Executive of VisitScotland, said: “This latest VisitScotland Gaelic Language Plan reinforces our commitments to promote the language’s use throughout the organisation, focusing on key areas of our operation such as supporting the tourism industry to embrace Gaelic, our identity, signage, communication with the public and the use of Gaelic on our websites.


“The language has the potential to be a key ingredient in the Scottish tourism offer, providing visitors with a memorable and unique experience. VisitScotland plays a significant role in seeing that those travelling to our shores have their visits enriched even further by Gaelic.

“With over 600 staff, offices and information centres across the country, and all our visitor communications, our role in ensuring the long-term sustainability of the Gaelic language is a significant one.”


Welcoming the plan, Bòrd na Gàidhlig Ceannard (CEO) Shona NicIllinnein said: “Bòrd na Gàidhlig welcomes the third iteration of VisitScotland’s Gaelic Plan and we recognise and value the significant work that VisitScotland undertakes to promote Gaelic in Scotland and internationally.


“Tourism is very important to the Scottish economy and we recognise the huge potential which exists to grow the use of Gaelic across the industry, for the benefit of communities and visitors alike.”


You can access VisitScotland’s Gaelic Language Plan at: http://www.visitscotland.org/about_us/our_gaelic_plan.aspx

Bòrd na Gàidhlig unveils Colmcille 1500

In 2021, it will be 1,500 years since the birth of St Columba. Known as St Colmcille in Gaelic – meaning Dove of the Church – his legacy in Scotland remains to this day, while he is one of Ireland’s three patron saints.

To celebrate this event, Bòrd na Gàidhlig is announcing at the Royal National Mòd Glasgow 2019, plans for a year of global celebrations marking St Columba’s birth in 521AD – entitled Colmcille 1500.

“Colmcille 1500″ will last from 7th December 2020 to 7th December 2021. While there is still 14 months to go until the year of celebration begins, Bòrd na Gàidhlig – in conjunction with its Irish counterpart Foras na Gaeilge – hopes launching Colmcille 1500 now will give plenty of time for communities and organisations to plan and co-ordinate their events.

So far public bodies in Scotland, Ireland, Nova Scotia and the Isle of Man have shown an interest in marking the legacy of St Columba.

Shona MacLennan, Bòrd na Gàidhlig chief executive officer, hopes more communities around the world can unite together to co-ordinate a proper global celebration of a leader who helped unify peoples and countries through his spiritual guidance and through Gaelic culture.

She said: “St Columba’s historical significance in Scotland cannot be underestimated. He arrived in Scotland at a time of bloody rivalries between warrior tribes. He went on to unite not just the Gaels, but also the Picts, who for centuries had resisted invaders, including the might of the Roman empire.”

Discussions are currently underway between organisations in Ireland, Scotland, Nova Scotia in Canada and Isle of Man on how best to celebrate St Columba’s legacy. As well as Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Foras na Gaeilge, included are the Scottish Government, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, Ealain na Gaeltachta in Ireland, Gaelic Affairs in Nova Scotia and the Isle of Man Government.

Ms MacLennan added: “The theme of Colmcille 1500 is very much one of togetherness, encouraging people to engage with each other at a local, national and international level.  It should also increase awareness of Columba’s legacy and his impact to this day on our shared Gaelic languages and cultures.

“We hope by celebrating his birth next year it will build relations and develop new friendships, uniting people behind a spirit of togetherness and co-operation.”

Bòrd na Gàidhlig proud to unveil new Gaelic identifier ¬– #cleachdi – at the Mòd Glasgow 2019

Bòrd na Gàidhlig is today unveiling at the Royal National Mòd Glasgow 2019 a brand-new campaign to encourage Gaelic speakers to let Scotland and the world know they are proud to speak the language.

Speakers and learners of Gaelic are being encouraged to use the hashtag #cleachdi – or #useit – plus the hashtag #gaidhlig when they communicate with others, be it in person, on social media, on email signatures or on their websites.

They can also support the campaign by wearing the symbols on lanyards, badges or stickers, or display a poster at their work or home to tell the world of their pride at being a Gaelic speaker.

Shona MacLennan, Bòrd na Gàidhlig chief executive officer, said: “Bòrd na Gàidhlig is delighted to be launching this new campaign at the Mòd. More and more people want to use and learn Gaelic and this initiative is a very positive and easy to use means to encourage more people to use more Gaelic in more situations.

“We at Bòrd na Gàidhlig will be joining all those who speak the language in displaying our pride at letting others know we are Gaelic speakers. We think #cleachdi is the perfect way to do this. So let’s #useit and put #gaidhlig firmly on the map.”

The new #cleachdi campaign is similar to the Welsh Language Commissioner’s ‘Iaith Gwaith’ (Welsh at Work) scheme, which is used in Wales to show that a service is available in Welsh. To show their solidarity with #cleachdi, the Welsh Language Commissioner Aled Roberts has today travelled to the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow to give his personal backing.

Mr Roberts said: “Iaith Gwaith is well established in Wales, and is a valuable resource for organisations, businesses and charities to show customers that a service is available in Welsh.  In recent years, it has evolved and been used more widely in ways ranging from an engineering company creating a vinyl version on hard hats to health boards creating a magnetic version to be used on beds to show which patients wish to be treated in Welsh.

“It is going from strength to strength in Wales and I very much look forward to seeing the equivalent in Scotland launched during the Royal National Mòd. I am confident that #cleachdi will have the same positive benefit for Gaelic and Gaelic speakers.”

Also backing the campaign are Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s partners Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and VisitScotland, with VisitScotland’s Director of Industry and Destination Development Riddell Graham attending the Royal Concert Hall.

Mr Graham said: “We wholeheartedly support this wonderful #cleachdi campaign and will be actively taking part in it where we can. Gaelic is the founding language of Scotland, its significance to our culture and identity cannot be underestimated.

“It is vital that Scotland is able to provide a memorable and unique visitor experience to meet ever-changing consumer demands and Gaelic has the potential to be a key ingredient in the Scottish tourism offer.

“As the Mòd demonstrates so brilliantly, Gaelic is woven into our musical heritage, and has crossed over to popular culture thanks to the hugely successful TV series Outlander. We believe it will continue to prove a valuable asset to Scotland’s identity and capture the imagination of the Scots at home and around the world.”

Rachel Mackenzie, of HIE, said: “We are delighted to see the launch of the #cleachdi identifier and associated campaign. Supporting Gaelic is at the heart of our remit for economic and social development in the Highlands and Islands and key to this is to build on how the language is being used to add economic and social value, both in our communities and our workplaces.

“We look forward to working with Bòrd na Gàidhlig and partners to explore how we can further use the identifier with our economic and social opportunities. This powerful campaign will both unify and be a symbol for our Gaelic community and also be a beacon to those who wish to engage with the language.”

In its initial roll-out any public sector body who have Gaelic speaking staff can download an order form from Bòrd na Gàidhlig, where they can order up to 10 lanyard, 10 badges, 10 A5 posters and 20 stickers. For any larger orders they can contact Bòrd na Gàidhlig directly on 01463 225454 or by emailing fios@gaidhlig.scot.

A copy of the #cleachdi poster, logo and e-mail footer, can also be downloaded by following this link: https://gaidhlig.scot/the-cleachdi-initiative/ Watch out for the new #cleachdi initiative during this year’s Mod, broadcast on BBC Alba and BBC Scotland.

Scotland’s first Gaelic graduate apprentice

In a groundbreaking move, Bòrd na Gàidhlig is employing student Orla in a full-time salaried position. This new role will see her spend the next four years mixing work-based learning in a fully Gaelic environment with her studies towards a BA (Hons) in Business Management.


Role of Bòrd na Gàidhlig apprentice


This is part of a new link-up between Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Aberdeen Business School at Robert Gordon University, where Orla has begun a new ‘blended learning’ course.


It means over the course of her four-year degree, Orla will become fully immersed in the business environment of Bòrd na Gàidhlig, and familiarise herself with the workings of the organisation through a series of projects each semester.


Despite being a student at RGU, Orla has moved to Inverness and will keep tutors at Aberdeen Business School up to date with her progress through distance learning. She will follow a learning plan – which consists of four modules a year – and which will be matched to learning outcomes.


Orla MacDonald


Before joining Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Orla graduated in July from the University of Edinburgh, where she achieved an MA (Hons) in Celtic.


She said: “I’ve really enjoyed the start of my new working life at Bòrd na Gàidhlig. I am currently familiarising myself with the business environment, how the organisation operates, such as its purposes, structures, functions and core values.


“As the course continues so my work will become even more in-depth and specialist. It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn just how much work Bòrd na Gàidhlig does with the Gaelic and the wider Scottish communities.”


Bòrd na Gàidhlig mentorship support


Orla is receiving mentorship support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s senior team, including office manager Carol Johnson, who says through the four years of her study, Orla’s projects will become increasingly in-depth and useful to the organisation as her skills and knowledge increase.


Shona MacLennan, Bòrd na Gàidhlig chief executive officer, said: “Bòrd na Gàidhlig is so excited to have Orla here with us, we already enjoy her being part of our team. Through her four years of study Orla will each semester follow a learning plan which will match up with the different parts of the course which she will follow to achieve her degree.


“It means Orla will quickly integrate and familiarise herself with Bòrd na Gàidhlig, as well as engage with and provide support to key stakeholders. We ultimately hope that she will stay with us and progress even further within the organisation.”

Statement on Spòrs Gàidhlig

A spokesperson for Bòrd na Gàidhlig said: “The Spòrs Gàidhlig project, run by Comunn na Gàidhlig, has been supported by Bòrd na Gàidhlig since its inception 18 months ago because we recognise how sport contributes to using Gaelic and the value that brings.  Our initial funding was to establish the project and subsequent funding was for equipment.  We have also funded groups of young people to take part in Spòrs Gàidhlig activities.  To date Bòrd na Gàidhlig has committed more than £60k to this project.

“Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Comunn na Gàidhlig have been in discussions about further funding for the project.  The board is supportive of providing additional funding and required more financial information and projections to progress this further.   Bòrd na Gàidhlig remains willing to continue discussions in collaboration with Comunn na Gàidhlig and other funding partners about the future of the Spòrs Gàidhlig project.”

52 Projects Supported Through Bòrd na Gàidhlig Funding Scheme

Bòrd na Gàidhlig are delighted to have provided funding support to 52 projects from across Scotland through a recent Funding Scheme.    

The Gaelic Language Act Implementation Fund (GLAIF) was established to help public authorities in the delivery of commitments in their Gaelic Language Plans, and in support of the National Gaelic Language Plan.  GLAIF has also been used to assist other public authorities in the delivery of projects ahead of their formal notice to produce a Gaelic Language Plan.

Among the successful projects, support was given to local Councils and public bodies to continue with current Gaelic roles or to establish new Gaelic employment opportunities, events and Gaelic classes for staff and adults, in Schools, and at community level. A full list of funded projects is available here.

Bòrd na Gàidhlig runs funding schemes at different times through the year. You can find more information about our funding schemes here.

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