News Release: New Grammatical Guidance for Gaelic

News Release

19 March 2019

New Grammatical Guidance for Gaelic

Bòrd na Gàidhlig and the University of Glasgow have today (19 March 2019) published new grammatical guidance to help aid Gaelic speakers, including teachers, broadcasters and other Gaelic professionals.

The 27-page document is the first attempt to draft collaborative grammatical guidance for today’s users with input from Gaelic language professionals, traditional speakers, and academic linguists.

The guidance will benefit all people who are working with Gaelic or learning Gaelic by providing a comprehensive, authoritative source of acceptable usage in modern Scottish Gaelic, and will provide the foundations for future work on a comprehensive grammar of the language.

The new resource, hosted by the University of Glasgow’s Digital Archive of Scottish Gaelic (DASG), covers 11 of the most challenging topics in Gaelic grammar as identified by a survey of Gaelic language professionals and teachers.

It was drawn up in response to a wide-ranging consultation project in 2013 (Dlùth is Inneach) in which Gaelic users and learners identified access to reliable guidance on modern Gaelic grammar as one of their most important needs.

The project to research and compile the guidance was funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig and MGAlba, and carried out by an inter-university group of Gaelic linguistic researchers led by Professor Roibeard Ó Maolalaigh, Professor of Gaelic at the University of Glasgow.

Professor Ó Maolalaigh, who is also Vice Principal and Head of the College of Arts at Glasgow, said: “We are delighted that the fruits of this collaborative Soillse project have been published and made available to the Gaelic community.

“We hope that the clear authoritative guidance on some of the most challenging variation patterns in Gaelic grammar will strengthen the language and enhance the confidence of its speakers in navigating the inherent variation within the language.”

Dàibhidh Boag, Director of Language Planning and Community Developments at Bòrd na Gàidhlig said: “First of all, I would like to thank all the people and organisations that have contributed to this important project. The aim of the National Gaelic Language Plan is that Gaelic is used more often, by more people and in a wider range of situations. Increased confidence and increased use go hand-in-hand and this resource will assist people in using Gaelic more confidently and more often.”

“In addition to the guidance itself, we are working with Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig to produce a range of key resources and training packages to support its roll-out over the coming months. We also aim to develop the resource further and cover more of the grammar points that users have identified as challenging”

The research collaboration included the University of Glasgow, the University of Edinburgh and Sabhal Mor Ostaig / University of the Highlands and Islands, under the auspices of the Soillse network for research into Gaelic language and culture.

The work was supported by regular meetings with Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s Comataidh Comhairleachaidh Cànain, a group of traditional speakers from different parts of the Gàidhealtachd with wide experience in important domains of Gaelic language development, chaired by Jo MacDonald, who is also chair of MG ALBA’s Standards Committee (Comataidh Inbhean).

Jo MacDonald said: “Gaelic is a living and dynamic language and whilst I know that there is still work to be done to fulfil the needs of all users, I believe that we have developed a way of working that provides authoritative guidance where it is most needed and that is appropriate to the demands of the Gaelic community today and for the future.”

Evidence was gathered from traditional speakers in the Western Isles and from the usage of recent and contemporary writers of Gaelic as captured in DASG’s 30- million-word corpus of Scottish Gaelic.

Notes to Editors

For more information contact Aine Allardyce in the University of Glasgow Communications and Public Affairs Office on 0141 330 7126 or email

The guidance is available to download on the DASG website at[:ga]

Brath Naidheachd

Gaelic Medium Event in Perth

Growth and development of Gaelic Education to be discussed at Special Gaelic Medium Education (GME) Event in Perth

Around 45 educators from across Scotland are set to take part in a special day-long event on Friday, 1st March 2019 to develop a new action plan for Gaelic education in Scotland.

Bòrd na Gàidhlig, in conjunction with Education Scotland, Scottish Government, and Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), has invited education representatives and teaching staff from local authorities to the Battleby Conference Centre in Perth.

Also present will be further education and higher education providers, and representatives from the six Gaelic schools in Scotland, based in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Inverness, Lochaber and Portree. The day will provide an opportunity to take part in in-depth discussions on shaping the future curriculum for GME in S4-S6 and also address the growth in Gaelic learning.

The day – which will be opened by Jim Whannel, chair of Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s Learning Committee – will take the format of workshops and discussion panels, among which will be the chance to learn first-hand from schools developing their senior phase curriculum.

Ultimately the aim of the event will be to develop an action plan laying out the next steps for developing the curriculum. It will also focus on career pathways for staff involved in Gaelic medium education.

Jim Whannel said: “I am delighted to open this special event focusing on the way forward for GME Secondary Education. I am particularly pleased that an encouraging aspect of the event is the gathering together of key practitioners to shape an effective strategy, which will deliver the next phase of development. Engaging teachers and local authority leadership teams in developing the new strategy will be a key factor in ensuring success.

Minister for Gaelic, John Swinney has led the setting up of the Faster Rate of Progress Initiative, which draws together national organisations around a set of themes supporting the Gaelic language and we look forward with excitement to this latest initiative focusing on the GME secondary sector. Gaelic medium education is of growing interest to parents and young people across Scotland and we look forward to widening the appeal of GME secondary, ensuring it is an integral part of the successes we are seeing across Scottish Education.”

Gillian Campbell-Thow, Chair of Gaelic Local Authorities’ Network (GLAN) said: “It is particularly appropriate that this event, which aims to increase subject choice, is taking place at the same time as the Education and Skills Committee of the Scottish Parliament is taking evidence on subject choices in the curriculum. Today’s discussions will be very useful for local authorities, particularly with the inclusion of Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) agenda as part of the day.”

Jane Renton, Assistant Director, Education Scotland said: “We are pleased to be involved in Friday’s conference. We look forward to discussions on how the senior phase of Gaelic Medium Education can be enhanced to ensure young people benefit from stimulating learning experiences across all aspects of the curriculum and attain as highly as possible.”

Robert Quinn, Head of Qualifications – English, Modern Languages and Business at the Scottish Qualifications Authority, said: “It is of vital importance that students who have experienced Gaelic-medium education throughout their broad general education in primary, and in the first three years of secondary school, are able to have full access to Gaelic-medium education in the Senior Phase – S4 through to S6. Without this continuum, the consolidation of their language skills will not be complete. SQA fully supports the development of a coherent national strategy to ensure that this happens.”

Bòrd na Gàidhlig appoints Interim Chairperson

Mairi T MacInnes has been appointed as Interim Chairperson of Bòrd na Gàidhlig following a recent Board meeting held in Inverness. Mrs MacInnes who is from South Uist takes over the Chair from Allan MacDonald who is moving to become Chair of MG ALBA (The Gaelic Media Service).

Mrs MacInnes joined Bòrd na Gàidhlig in March 2016 and will take up the Interim post with effect from 1st January 2019.

Mairi T MacInnes is currently Chair of Ceòlas and she has extensive experience and knowledge of community development, education, Gaelic and Adult Learning. She was latterly Head Teacher of Iochdar School and has also served as a member of the board in various Scottish organisations including The Scottish Arts Council and Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig.

Allan MacDonald said: “I welcome the appointment of Mairi MacInnes as Interim Chair of Bòrd na Gàidhlig and I wish her and the team every success in the months and years that lie ahead. I thoroughly enjoyed my time as Chairman of Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Màiri now has the opportunity to lead the organisation until a new permanent Chair is appointed next year.”

Mairi MacInnes said: “I am delighted to take on the role of Interim Chair of Bòrd na Gàidhlig
and I would like to thank Allan MacDonald for the work that he has done in taking Gaelic forward at local community level and at national level throughout Scotland during his tenure as Chairman. I am very much looking forward to working with Board members, the Chief Executive and her team and communities throughout Scotland and also the Scottish Government and others for the benefit of the Gaelic language.”

Allan MacDonald had previously served as Deputy Chairman and also Interim Chair of Bòrd na Gàidhlig and was appointed Chairman in 2015.

The Scottish Government has begun the process of recruiting a new Chairperson.


For further information about this Press Release please contact
Murdo Morrison, Communications and Events Manager at Bòrd na Gàidhlig on or 01463 225454 / 07525 893367

Information for Editors:

The remit of Bòrd na Gàidhlig is to support, promote and develop the Gaelic language in Scotland and internationally. Our vision is that Gaelic is seen and heard on a daily basis across Scotland, such that it is widely recognised as an integral part of Scottish life and a national cultural and economic asset.
We prioritise an increase in the numbers speaking Gaelic and increased opportunities for using the language in addition to raising the profile of the Gaelic language in Scotland and internationally.

Bòrd na Gàidhlig works with public bodies in the preparation and implementation of Gaelic Plans and with community groups and others through providing project funding. The Bòrd also provides advice and guidance to the Scottish Government Ministers and other agencies on the different aspects of Gaelic development.

Bòrd na Gàidhlig partnerships for Year of Young People

As Scotland continues to celebrate the Year of Young People 2018, Bòrd na Gàidhlig has welcomed the opportunity to work throughout the year with a number of national and community organisations to increase the use of Gaelic nationally. These collaborations have resulted in the appointment of young Gaelic speakers to a range of national and community organisations to develop their Gaelic offering as well as raising the profile of Gaelic in national and local communities.

Among the young people is Shona MacMillan who took up the post of Gaelic Development Officer in September with the community-owned Galson Estate Trust based in Ness on the island of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides. Shona, who is from Carloway, Lewis, is working with local organisations and businesses, helping them to use Gaelic in everyday life to strengthen and nurture it and identifying opportunities to work in partnership.

Agnes Rennie, Chair of Galson Estate Trust said “Shona’s post, which is jointly funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig, HIE and Galson Estate Trust is the first step towards our Trust developing a range of initiatives which will reach out across the community to recognise the value of the Gaelic language and culture. There is no doubt that the opportunity to appoint an energetic young Gaelic speaker sends out all the right messages and we are delighted to have her join our team in Galson.

Shona Macmillan said “I am really looking forward to working with the businesses and organisations in the local community helping them to raise and develop the profile of the Gaelic language and culture”

Ruairidh Hamilton from Edinburgh works with Young Scot, the national youth information and citizenship charity which provides young people, aged 11 – 26, with a mixture of information, ideas and incentives to help them become more confident, informed and active citizens.

The Shieling Project in Glen Strathfarrar, near Beauly in the Highlands of Scotland has employed Stephanie Campbell from Kyle. The Shieling offers school trips and residentials, holidays, volunteering and an outdoor nursery for 3 to 5 year olds and Stephanie is involved in delivering outdoor learning in Gaelic as well as contributing to the wider potential for Gaelic learning at The Shieling.

During the summer, Kenny Rankin was in post with the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (HWDT), a Mull-based marine conservation charity that takes action through a programme of internationally-recognised research and education on its dedicated Discovery Centre, aboard their boat, Silurian, and schools visits around the whole of the Hebrides. Kenny’s work included expanding the Trust’s education programme to make it available to pupils in Gaelic medium education, and delivering floating classroom workshops and headland watches as well as community events.

In partnership with Creative Scotland the Bòrd supported creative traineeships at An Lanntair Arts Centre in Stornoway and Taigh Chearsabhagh in North Uist. These are specifically targeted at supporting arts/creative organisations to help them develop their creative work in Gaelic. Calum Fraser (24) is employed as a Trainee Performing Arts Programmer at An Lanntair Arts Centre in Stornoway where his role includes working with An Lanntair’s new Youth Board and the programming team to support elements of An Lanntair’s creative programme work.

Daibhidh Boag, Director of Community Development and Language Planning, Bòrd na Gàidhlig said, “We were delighted to have made a valuable contribution in recognition of Scotland’s Year of Young People and to have been able to support the different range of projects which are employing young Gaelic-speaking people. We firmly believe that all the young people, their employers and the communities they serve, will benefit in the long- and short-term from the support that the Bòrd has provided and that the Gaelic language will reap the benefit in years to come”

Bòrd na Gàidhlig to appoint Director of Gaelic Education

Bòrd na Gàidhlig, the public body responsible for promoting Gaelic language and culture, is seeking to appoint a new Director of Gaelic Education.

The post holder will be responsible for the Bòrd’s education policy, advising the Bòrd itself, Scottish Government and other education and learning providers such as local authorities on the Bòrd’s aims for developing Gaelic education.

Jim Whannel, Chair of the Learning Committee at Bòrd na Gàidhlig said: “The successful candidate will have the opportunity to make a significant contribution to the growth of Gaelic and Gaelic education at all levels – from children using Gaelic at home to adult learning via digital technology. The Bòrd’s work provides valuable support to families, local authorities and people learning Gaelic.

“We work closely with the Scottish Government, Education Scotland and other public bodies, universities and colleges and community groups and the Director of Gaelic Education is at the heart of this partnership working. The post will be both rewarding and stimulating for the successful candidate who will possess the knowledge, skills and abilities to take advantage of the opportunities which they will be given at the Bòrd.”

An information pack detailing the job and the terms and conditions is available from the Bòrd’s website

Applications must be submitted by 5pm, Monday 22 October 2018.  The post is advertised on the salary scale C2, which starts at £60,379.

Anyone interested in the post who would like further information or to have an informal conversation about it, should contact Shona MacLennan, Ceannard, on to arrange this.

For more information:[:ga]Tha Bòrd na Gàidhlig an-diugh a’ foillseachadh shanasan airson na dreuchd, Stiùiriche Foghlam na Gàidhlig, dreuchd cho cudromach ’s a tha ri fhaighinn ann am foghlam Gàidhlig.

Bidh an neach soirbheachail a’ stiùireadh poileasaidh foghlaim is ionnsachaidh a’ Bhùird, a’ comhairleachadh an Riaghaltais agus ag obair gu dlùth còmhla ri ùghdarrasan ionadail agus buidhnean-lìbhrigidh eile airson amasan a’ Bhùird a thaobh foghlaim is ionnsachaidh a choileanadh.

Chaidh Am Plana Cànain Nàiseanta Gàidhlig 2018-23 fhoillseachadh o chionn beagan mhìosan le trì prìomhachasan agus ’s e ‘A’ toirt fàs air ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig’ fear dhiubh.  Mar sin, tha a h-uile cothrom aig cuideigin a bhith a’ toirt buaidh mhòr air leasachadh ann an ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig thar nam bliadhnaichean ri teachd.  ’S e obair glè inntinneach a tha seo, far am bi an neach ag obair le ùghdarrasan ionadail air feadh na h-Alba, is le buidhnean foghlaim eile.

Thuirt Jim Whannel, Cathraiche na Comataidh Ionnsachaidh aig Bòrd na Gàidhlig: “Bidh iomadh cothrom aig an neach a bhios soirbheachail buaidh mhòr a thoirt air fàs na Gàidhlig tro fhoghlam aig gach aois – eadar clann san dachaigh gu inbhich a tha ag ionnsachadh tro dhòighean didseatach. Tha obair a’ Bhùird glè chudromach ann a bhith a’ cur taic ri teaghlaichean, ris na h-ùghdarrasan ionadail agus ris na daoine a tha ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig.

“Tha sinn ag obair gu dlùth leis an Riaghaltas, le Foghlam Alba agus buidhnean poblach eile, leis na h-oilthighean is colaistean is buidhnean sa choimhearsnachd is tha Stiùiriche Foghlam na Gàidhlig aig cridhe na h-obrach seo.  Bidh an obair seo glè tharraingeach is inntinneach dhan neach aig a bheil na sgilean, comasan is eòlas a tha freagairt air na cothroman a tha rim faotainn aig a’ Bhòrd.”

Gheibhear pasgan fiosrachaidh mun dreuchd air-loidhne air làrach-lìn a’ Bhùird

Feumar tagraidhean airson na h-obrach a chur chun a’ Bhùird ro 5.00f, Diluain 22 An Dàmhair 2018. Tha an tuarastal aig an sgèile C2, a tha a’ tòiseachadh aig £60,379.

Ma tha sibh airson barrachd ionnsachadh mun dreuchd agus bruidhinn mu deidhinn gu neo-fhoirmeil, cuiribh fios dhan Cheannard, Shona NicIllinnein

Airson barrachd fios:

Gaelic set for big boost as public bodies reveal range of new, key commitments

Bòrd na Gàidhlig has today (Thursday 9 August 2018) revealed a series of key commitments from a range of public bodies in Scotland which will significantly accelerate progress in the development and use of Gaelic across the country.

This follows a milestone meeting chaired by Deputy First Minister, John Swinney MSP, in Perth this morning, at which many of Scotland’s key public bodies were represented.

In signing off on this series of pledges, Scotland’s national agency for the promotion of Gaelic language and culture believes that it can engineer a faster rate of progress.

Each will underpin the objectives of the National Gaelic Language Plan 2018-2023 which was launched in April, this year. The new plan aims to ensure Gaelic is used more often, by more people, and in a wider range of situations.

Key commitments revealed today include:

  • VisitScotland will publish the first ever Gaelic tourism strategy for Scotland in the autumn, bringing together the tourism industry and Gaelic more effectively to ensure that each benefits the other
  • Scottish Qualifications Authority, Education Scotland, Stòrlann, representatives of the Gaelic Local Authorities Network and the Scottish Government will support schools in strengthening the secondary GME curriculum by developing a planned approach to increasing the National Qualifications offered through the medium of Gaelic in the senior phase
  • Skills Development Scotland and Bòrd na Gàidhlig will convene a Working Group to consider and take into account the recommendations of the “Gaelic Language Labour Market – The Evidence Report” that was published in June 2018
  • Comhairle nan Eilean Siar have offered to provide Gaelic learning through e-Sgoil to all local authorities across Scotland
  • Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Bòrd na Gàidhlig and the Scottish Government will work together to deliver a community offer in the Western Isles
  • MG ALBA and Bòrd na Gàidhlig will work together on LearnGaelic, the partnership resource for Gaelic learning – this will involve the revision of the website, the creation of new content, and new support for Gaelic adult learners
  • Highlands and Islands Enterprise will undertake new research on ‘The Role of Gaelic Language and Culture in Economic and Community Development’ which will further build the evidence base to support new approaches and future planning. HIE will also offer to support Scottish Enterprise in developing their first Gaelic Language Plan
  • MG ALBA will launch Gaelic YouTube material – This will involve what they describe as ‘curated content’ in the form of small sections from programmes – music, comedy, and short film. In addition, ‘digital participation’ initiatives will encourage people to create their own content in Gaelic

Deputy First Minister John Swinney MSP comments:

“The Scottish Government has set out a clear mandate for the support of Gaelic. Today’s meeting shows that there is a variety of activities being undertaken by a wide range of public bodies across Scotland in support of the language and it is important that we capitalise upon this to move the agenda forward.

“I am pleased that agreement has been made on these key commitments and I hope that we can all work together to develop further commitments in the coming months.”

Bòrd na Gàidhlig chairman Allan MacDonald comments:

“These commitments are to be warmly welcomed. They reflect a deepening commitment from a range of public bodies to Gaelic language and culture in Scotland. Gaelic no longer sits at the periphery of our nation’s consciousness because the cultural, educational and economic benefits are clear.

“These pledges will significantly aid our plans outlined in the National Gaelic Language Plan 2018-2023. We look forward to working with our partners across the country in delivering these innovations for the good of the country.”

Education Grants funding programme for Gaelic Teaching Students open

Gaelic teachers who have received assistance from the Education Grants funding stream have been singing its praises, as the scheme opens up for new entrants again this year.

The initiative is funded and administered by Bòrd na Gàidhlig, the national Gaelic development agency, in recognition of the need to provide additional assistance to meet the growing demand among parents and pupils for Gaelic medium education across the country.

Applications are now welcomed from those undertaking a post-graduate degree in education, primary or secondary, and those studying undergraduate Gaelic education degrees.

Grant assistance of £500 / £1,000 is available, plus assistance for course fees if required, up to another £1,820.

Bòrd na Gàidhlig may also consider applications from qualified teachers who wish to transfer over to GME and those who wish to undertake a course to switch careers to Gaelic education. The level of assistance will depend on the personal circumstances.

Last year assistance was provided to 33 individuals and it is hoped the take-up will be equally high, if not higher, this year.

Shona MacLennan, Chief Executive of Bòrd na Gàidhlig, said: “Gaelic education is a success story and that success drives the need for more teachers. The Bòrd has run this scheme for a number of years to support those who want to be teachers. Joanne McHale, our development officer (Teachers) works with students, colleges and the universities to attract more to teaching and she’s very happy to talk to anyone interested in teaching.”

Those who have received assistance have hailed the benefits of the scheme. Among those who received assistance last year was Alison Ni Dhorchaidhe from Dublin. She now teaches in the Gaelic Secondary School in Glasgow.

“I always wanted to do teaching but I was enjoying the work I was doing with Comunn na Gàidhlig (youth officer) so much,” she said. “But the desire eventually came back and it was just something I wanted to do. English and Irish were my subjects at university and I did some Scottish Gaelic, but not enough to teach.

“The Glasgow Gaelic School were looking for an English teacher, so I enrolled in a course and applied to Bòrd na Gàidhlig for funding and they were very helpful. I got the money and to tell you the truth I don’t think I would have got through the year without it. I know others who had to make do with a student loan and it was a struggle for them. So, the help I got from Bòrd na Gàidhlig was enormously helpful as it meant I didn’t have to overly worry about financial matters.”

Lauren Stewart (24) found herself in a similar situation. She had been working full-time in the Fort William pre-school unit, before the BnG grant scheme offered the opportunity to enter teaching training. She is now preparing to start life as a primary teacher in Glasgow after the holidays.

“I really wanted to do a PDGE course and I approached the head of the school for some advice,” she said. “He told me I should really speak to Bòrd na Gàidhlig; that they might have some assistance I’d be able to get. I spoke to Joanne McHale from Bòrd na Gàidhlig who has an office in the same building. She told me that as I had been in employment for some time that I’d be entitled to a lot of assistance and that was incredibly helpful.”

As Lauren had been working full-time she got a total of £5,000 in assistance.

“I had been working for seven years so just to stop work and go on a course was going to be really difficult,” she said.

“You’re so busy with the course it’s difficult financially. I didn’t work for the full year and without that assistance from Bòrd na Gàidhlig I don’t know how I would have managed.”

For more information contact Joanne McHale

More information on the scheme can be found at

Views sought to assess demand for Gaelic Language and Cultural Centre in Inverness

Alba Heritage Trust, a local Inverness based charity, is seeking opinions from the local community and interested individuals and groups from other localities, to assess whether there is a demand to establish a Gaelic Language and Cultural Centre in Inverness.  A local heritage building on the riverside, currently on the market, is being considered as a potential location for such a centre.

Impact Hub Inverness has been commissioned to research the level of demand for such a centre in the heart of Inverness.  The first stage in the process of gathering community opinion is an open survey which has gone live today at

In addition, local agencies and community groups involved in Gaelic language development activities will also be interviewed to seek their respective opinions and support. Desk based research will complete the study by the end of July 2018.

The idea of the cultural centre is not new and has been discussed over the years by many groups and individuals, but no targeted research has taken place until now. Some suggestions for what could potentially be available in the centre include a café, book/gift shop, performance space, workshop and exhibition space, Gaelic language classes and an informal social meeting place for Gaelic speakers, learners and individuals interested in the Gaelic heritage of the Highlands and Islands.

Alasdair Forbes from Alba Heritage Trust, explained more: “There are many Gaelic activities and groups that meet locally from parent groups and language classes to talks and events, and we feel a venue of this kind would complement and support all that exists in the area. We also know from the most recent Visit Scotland survey of tourists that 55% of people visiting the Highlands do so because they are interested in the history and culture of the Highlands and Islands.  Successful language and cultural centres exist in places such as Belfast, Derry, Cardiff and Merthyr Tydfil and we feel that a Gaelic Language and Cultural Centre in Inverness, the capital city of the Highlands and Islands, would bring added value, complement existing resources and services, and provide a focus for Gaelic development activity within the area.”

This survey work is supported by Bòrd na Gàidhlig and The Architectural Heritage Fund. You can access the survey online at the web address given above or if you would like a hard copy please contact Mary Riddoch at Impact Hub Inverness on 01463 715533 or by email: The survey is also available in Gaelic. Copies will be made available at the local mod at Eden Court Theatre this Friday 15 June.

New digital Gaelic resource for Young Scot

To celebrate the Year of Young People, Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Young Scot have announced a strategic partnership to develop and deliver a dedicated digital Gaelic resource which will be part of  The partnership will also benefit from input from MG ALBA, the partner with the BBC in BBC ALBA, Scotland’s Gaelic television channel.

Funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Young Scot will recruit a Gaelic speaker to help make sure their core services are reaching and benefitting Gaelic speakers and will connect young people from across Scotland to exciting new opportunities to get involved in the language, culture and heritage.

The project which was launched on Monday 30 April at the Young Scot offices in Edinburgh will develop an innovative digital resource; with tailored, bespoke information and opportunities, including relevant discounts, rewards and entitlements for young people using the Young Scot National Entitlement Card for Gaelic and non-Gaelic speakers.

This coincides with the recent launch of the new National Gaelic Language Plan 2018-2023 which has as its main aim that more people use Gaelic more often and in more situations.   Promoting the language, learning and using it are the three main ways that will support this aim.

This new resource will create more opportunities for young people to learn and use the language and engage in Gaelic cultural activities. Young Scot will also increase awareness and understanding of their services amongst the Gaelic community.

Shona MacLennan, Chief Executive of Bòrd na Gàidhlig said ‘Young people are critical to the growth of Gaelic and we were delighted when Calum Ferguson, a young Gaelic speaker and MG ALBA board member, became involved with the idea of developing Young Scot resources in Gaelic.  With more people involved in Gaelic medium education, we need to make sure that young people, of school age and older, have access to a wide range of resources which are attractive, interesting and useful.’

Louise Macdonald, Chief Executive for Young Scot said: “Having a dedicated resource for young people who speak Gaelic, want to learn more and to explore Gaelic heritage and culture is an amazing way for us to reach even more young people from across Scotland. Young Scot are delighted to be able to promote and support the Gaelic language to all young Scots and ensure our services are diverse, relevant and exciting to all”.

Young Scot are seeking a Gaelic Development Officer who will lead on the management of the initiative. Applications opened on Monday 30th April and will run for 4 weeks.


Bòrd na Gàidhlig welcomes Scottish Parliament support for Gaelic

Bòrd na Gàidhlig, the principal public body in Scotland responsible for promoting Gaelic development, has welcomed the continued cross‐party support for Gaelic as demonstrated in the Scottish Parliament debate today (Tuesday 24 April) and the announcements of funding for a third Gaelic school in Glasgow and Faclair na Gàidhlig, the historical dictionary project.

The debate was led by Deputy First Minister, John Swinney MSP, and focused on the priorities and commitments in the third National Gaelic Language Plan which was launched last month at the Parliament. The Plan’s main aim is that more people use Gaelic more often and in a wider range of situations.

Allan MacDonald, Chairman of Bòrd na Gàidhlig, said: “It is great to see Gaelic being debated by all parties in the Scottish Parliament and this, following on from the recent contributions by various MSPs in Gaelic during the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage debate, is of immense importance in efforts to normalise the use of the language in Scotland.”

Mr MacDonald continued: “We are delighted to note the announcement of the third dedicated Gaelic school in Glasgow and, as with the opening recently of the Bun‐sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh on Skye, it is a reward for the dedication and tenacity of parents who see the benefits of their children being bilingual. We congratulate those parents who have fought long and hard for this and also Glasgow City Council for their support for the development of the Gaelic language in and around the city.”

In addition to the announcement of the new Gaelic School in Glasgow, the Deputy First Minister also announced a substantial investment for the next phase of Faclair na Gàidhlig, which will be the most comprehensive Gaelic dictionary ever produced.

Allan MacDonald said: “While the opening of a third Gaelic school in Glasgow is a hugely significant investment in Gaelic education, Faclair na Gàidhlig represents a major investment in language learning and development and is one which will provide people with the first comprehensive dictionary of Gaelic. Bòrd na Gàidhlig is delighted to have supported this project and we congratulate all the partners involved and we look forward to working closely with them in the years to come.”

The new Gaelic school in Glasgow, which will be located in the Cartvale area on the South Side of Glasgow, is expected to open in 2019 with the Royal National Mòd, the premier Gaelic celebration of Gaelic language and culture, also set to take place in the city next year.

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