New Year message of collaboration from Chair of Bòrd na Gàidhlig

A New Year with a new National Plan for Gaelic is an opportunity to achieve results through collaboration, according to the Chair of Bòrd na Gàidhlig. Speaking as she welcomed the New Year and the commencement of the next National Plan, 2023–28, which was finalised at the end of 2023, Mairi MacInnes said:

“Looking ahead to what will be a very important time for Gaelic, I am delighted that the National Plan will allow us to work together to achieve progress in the promotion and development of the Gaelic language. At its heart is a measurable increase in the numbers of people speaking, learning, using and supporting Gaelic.

“Bòrd na Gàidhlig will now produce a Corporate Plan which will identify how the aims and targets in the identified priority areas of the National Plan will be achieved. Success will only be realised through working together and this National Plan will bring together authorities, organisations, and communities, indeed, everyone who has an interest in ensuring that Gaelic thrives across Scotland, and beyond.

“I also urge everyone to engage with the process of the Scottish Languages Bill, which will make its way through the Scottish Parliament this year. Legislation is an important foundation for the development and security of the language and this is an opportunity to enhance Gaelic’s status in law.”

You can read more about the new National Gaelic Language Plan here.

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