FAQs – Running projects

You can find information below on some of the questions we are asked often about how to run projects that we have funded.  If you can’t find an answer to your questions, please feel free to get in touch with us at tabhartas@gaidhlig.scot and we’ll be more than happy to assist you.

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How can we access our funding agreement and other documents?

All documents and information related to your funding agreement can be found in Fluxx, our grant management system.  You can log in and view the information here: https://bng.fluxx.io

When are our reports and payments due?

You can find information as to when your reports are due and when payments will be made in your funding agreement, and also in the Fluxx grant management system.

Can you help us with translations?

No, we do not provide translation services so should factor this in when planning and running your projects.  We can however provide contacts for those who do provide such services, so please get in touch and we’ll be happy to provide those.

We want to share the project on social media, what’s the best way to do this?

We’re happy to help promote projects we fund on social media.  If you can tag in our official accounts @bordnagaidhlig when you make a post and remember to follow our Acknowledgement Guidance and use our logo when posting images, we’re more than happy to share for you.

You should also remember to advertise any events you are running on cleachdi.scot

We need more time for our project, can we extend?

If there are good reasons for requiring an extension to the project, you must request an amendment to your project via Fluxx and ask us for permission to do so.   You can do this by logging in to Fluxx, going to your Grants and then clicking the “Request amendment” button to complete a form with information we’ll need to process this.

We need more time to complete a report, is this okay?

If you can give us warning before the deadline for a report we can usually provide an extension for you to do so if there is a good reason. Please get in touch with us as soon as possible to let us know and we’ll be happy to discuss with you.

We have chosen not to continue with a project, what should we do?

You must let us know as soon as possible if you no longer wish to continue a project or if it will not be possible to complete it.  We will still require a final report from you at that stage to confirm what has been completed and why it was not possible to continue, and to provide evidence of what you have spent so far.

We will then be able to work out how much of the funding you are allowed to keep in respect of your costs so far and either request a refund of any funding not required or make a final payment of anything you are due.

We haven’t used all of our funding for the project, what should we do with it?

If you have any funding left over at the end of the project you must let us know.  Typically we will ask you to pay this back to us, or we will reduce or withdraw any payments left in your agreement(s) to balance this out.

However, if you have a small amount remaining and can explain to us how you will put this to use to support Gaelic we may allow you to retain the funding, however you must seek our permission to do this.

We spent more on the project than we expected to, can we get more funding?

No, we cannot provide any extra funding to your project if you spend more than expected.

We want to change how the project is run and do something different with it, is this allowed?

If you want to change what you are doing with the project you must let us know and receive permission to do so beforehand.  We’re more than happy to discuss options with you and provide flexibility, but need to confirm this before you go ahead with the changes.

Can we carry forward funding across financial years?

As long as it is before the final report deadline for your project, any funding paid out to you can be carried across financial years.

If confirmation of this is required for your records please let us know and we’ll be happy to provide this for you.

The person dealing with the project has left the organisation, what should we do?

If there is a contact change you must get in touch with us as soon as possible to let us know who will be taking forward the project.  We can then provide guidance and support as to what was agreed previously.

If the new contact or project lead wants to do something different with the project, we must provide authorisation beforehand for this but are more than happy to discuss.

Is it possible to put a reference on payments to us so that our finance team can identify it?

Yes, if this is required please let us know and we will be happy to arrange for this.  We are also happy to notify anyone in your finance team by email once a payment goes through.

Our final payment wasn’t as much as we were expecting, why was this?

The final payment of the funding agreement might be reduced if you received more income, or had lower costs, than expected.  We only pay up to 80% of total project costs for most schemes, and also can only fund projects on a break-even basis, so if this is the case you may receive less than the total funding award.

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