Dèan Diofar Tràth-bhliadhnaichean

Dèan Diofar Tràth-bhliadhnaichean focuses on encouraging people to embark on a career in the Early Years sector. The campaign was developed with support from Practitioners based in various Local Authorities across Scotland.

Gaelic Early Years Education is a vital first step within Gaelic Medium Education and is a key priority area, highlighted within the National Gaelic Language Plan 2023 – 2028.

It is hoped by showcasing the breadth of opportunities offered by a career in Gaelic Early Years, that more people will be encouraged to come forward.


Case Study

Lewis Laing, Family Language Development Officer, Inverness

“I find it especially rewarding to see the progress made by parents and grandparents with their Gaelic, whether that be in beginners’ classes or at the conversation circles.” 1. Why have you chosen to work in a career in Gaelic early years? Although the work I am involved in currently is different from the previous […]


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Case Study

Debbie Lamont, Early Year Worker, East Dunbartonshire

“It’s wonderful. It’s a happy, friendly and fun environment where children laugh, learn and play (and so do I!) and where I promote the use of Gaelic by immersing the children in the language” 1. Why have you chosen to work in a career in Gaelic early years? It’s the growth that you see in […]


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Case Study

Kenna Morrison, Early Years Worker, East Dunbartonshire

“I am lucky enough to work in a smaller nursery so I get to spend lots of quality time with each individual child and get to know them all very well, building a close bond with them. They make me laugh every day with all the stories they tell me.”  1. Why have you chosen […]


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Case Study

Sorcha Wheelan, Early Years Develpment Officer, Edinburgh.

“The children are like sponges, soaking up what they hear without being self-conscious or worried about mistakes. They hear new sounds every day, so what makes Gaelic any different to the norm. It never ceases to amaze me how receptive they are towards the language, and the play opportunities around them.”  1. Why have you […]


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Case Study

Hannah Lawson, Gaelic Childminder, Edinburgh

“It’s encouraging to see the children having fun, getting to know eachother and learning and developing different skills.” 1. Why have you chosen to work in a career in Gaelic early years? I used to work in a nursery. I really enjoyed being with the children and doing different things with them every day like […]


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Prìomh Film

In this video you will meet five people who work in the Gaelic Early Learning and Child Care sector, from different Local Authority areas across Scotland.


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