Schools (Residential Outdoor Education) (Scotland) Bill Consultation

Between April and July 2022 Liz Smith MSP, held a consultation on Schools (Residential Outdoor Education) (Scotland) Bill. Bòrd na Gàidhlig submitted a response which included the points:

Bòrd na Gàidhlig is of the view that national provision of outdoor education impacts positively on wider equality issues.

Ensuring that Gaelic is included in national education strategies is crucial if Scotland is to ensure that respect for pluralism and cultural diversity is both nurtured and encouraged. Scotland has a particular responsibility to support and develop the Gaelic language and culture as part of Scotland’s contribution to a multi-cultural world.

Outdoor Education has the potential to enrich educational experiences relating to the language and therefore strengthen strategies to deliver greater equality within Scottish Education and beyond (the first Canadian GME service, for example, opened in 2021).

You can read the full response here.

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